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These web pages have been produced by Avon Industrial Buildings Trust (AIBT) to champion the industrial archaeology of the Bristol/Avon area � a region that can rightly claim to be one of the birthplaces of the Industrial Revolution as many of the industrial process were at the cutting edge of the technologies of their time.

Time has not always been kind to the area's industrial infrastructure. While some buildings and structures are still in use today, or been lovingly preserved, there are many others that have either been deliberately demolished or allowed to decay into nothing. Which makes it all the more important to preserve what is left now for the enjoyment of future generations.

map of Avon area showing location of projects


The AIBT is a small charity that has been working on the preservation of the area's industrial infrastructure since 1980. It normally works with partners, such as local councils and other heritage organisations, on its projects, and aims to hand over the long term running of the sites to local groups. Past projects include the restoration of the Midford Aqueduct, and its current (2021) ones include the conservation of the buildings at the Brandy Bottom Colliery near Pucklechurch (a Scheduled Ancient Monument), and the restoration of Brunel's Grade 2*-listed swing bridge at the entrance to Bristol docks.

If you would like to join us, or wish to know more about us, please contact us at [email protected]. We hope you enjoy reading about our diverse projects...

There are links to the websites of other organisations in the relevant pages, and also at the bottom of the 'More about AIBT' page.


Information on our current and past projects can be found on the relevant sub pages of the website by using the 'Projects' tab at the top of the page. Their locations are shown on the map on the right.

Information on the dates of work parties at our current projects can be found by following this link for Brandy Bottom and this one for Brunel's Other Bridge.


If you would like to make a donation to help us with our current projects, would you please follow these links to either the Brandy Bottom or the Brunel's Other Bridge pages.

Copyright of Photos

COPYRIGHT of all the photos in the website, the leaflets and the newsletters has been retained by the respective photographers. The AIBT would like to thank them for permission to use their images on the website.

The email address for the webmaster is [email protected]

[email protected]