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Other Brandy Bottom Pages

As well as an introductory page, the other Brandy Bottom pages cover the history, and the AIBT's conservation work at the site. The latter is divided into several sections: a summary of the progress at work parties, together with pages of photos of the buildings, work parties, finds and nature. There are also images of the display boards.

Brandy Bottom: Work Parties, Directions and Location Map

Work Parties

Brandy Bottom is not open to visitors unless there is a work party in progress as it is a working site. While every effort will be made to give casual visitors a guided tour, this cannot be guaranteed as it depends on the number of volunteers present and the work in progress. Please note that the following dates may be altered at short notice.

The dates for work parties in 2025 are as follows:

  • Saturday 15, Wednesday 26 February
  • Saturday 8, Wednesday 19, Saturday 29 March
  • Wednesday 09, Saturday 19, Wednesday 30 April
  • Saturday 10, Wednesday 21, Saturday 31 May
  • Wednesday 11, Saturday 21 June
  • Wednesday 02, Saturday 12, Wednesday 23 July
  • Saturday 02, Wednesday 13, Saturday 23 August
  • Wednesday 03, Saturday 06, Wednesday 10, Saturday 20 September
  • Provisional Dates for Heritage Open Days: Saturday 13, Sunday 14 September
  • Wednesday 01, Saturday 11, Wednesday 22 October
  • Saturday 01, Wednesday 12, Saturday 22 November
  • Wednesday 03, Saturday 13, Saturday 27 December

Special arrangements can be made for groups of 10 or more - please make contact via the AIBT’s email address of info@aibt.org.

Newcomers to work parties are advised to first make contact via the AIBT’s email address of info@aibt.org. Youngsters must be accompanied at all times by a responsible adult. The times, which are nominally between 10.30 am and 3 pm may also be changed during the course of a particular work party.

Location Map

Brandy Bottom Location Map


Brandy Bottom is located on the Avon cycle path to the south of where the path crosses over Coxgrove Hill. The Grid reference is: ST 68175 77111, while the what3words reference is: wisely.amber.rarely.

Change in Directions

The directions given below for parking when visiting Brandy Bottom will be changing, as the South Gloucestershire Council is closing this stretch of Coxgrove Hill to through traffic. The date has still to be confirmed, and the alternatives will be posted here when they are finalised.

Slope up to cyclepathTurn off the A4174 Ring Road at the Lyde Green roundabout, taking the road to Westerleigh. At the next roundabout take the second out, again following the signs for Westerleigh. About 1 mile after crossing over the M4 motorway, turn right onto Henfield Road, marked by signs for the 'Henfield Business Park' and the 'Windmill Golf Academy'. About 500 yards after passing under the motorway, the road turns sharply right. After another 300 yards there is another sharp turn, this time to the left with a road sign marked 'Coxgrove Road' on the outside of the bend. There is a stone bridge over the road 100 yards beyond the bend. Car parking is limited to the road verges on either side of the bridge.

After leaving the car parking area, take the sloping path up to the cycleway (see photo right), and turn left at the top away from the bridge. It is about 100 yards to a ruined platelayers hut, when you continue on the tarmac path between the two halves of a mine winding wheel. Brandy Bottom is located on the left of the path a further 100 yards on from the wheel.

A downloadable copy of the location map and directions can be obtained by clicking on this link.

Other Brandy Bottom Pages

As well as an introductory page, the other Brandy Bottom pages cover the history, and the AIBT's conservation work at the site. The latter is divided into several sections: a summary of the progress at work parties, together with pages of photos of the buildings, work parties, finds and nature. There are also images of the display boards.

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Page updated 05 Feb 25
